Sunday 24 February 2013

Will I recognize it?

I recently read that the Right Bank of the Seine now has pedestrian crossings and cycle paths. Now it's the turn of the Left Bank to revolutionize. So, maybe not the revolution of Les Miserables, but definitely a revolt against the noise and pollution of the army of vehicles that marches along the Seine each day. Will I even recognize the place?

Berges de Seine (large)

Apparently, the Left Banks of the Seine will be closed to traffic from the end of January. Starting this  spring, the road between the Pont de l'Alma and the Orsay Museum will be transformed into a pedestrian walkway, with floating gardens and a staircase connecting the Orsay Museum to the Seine. Of course I won't get to see the finished product - at least not on this trip - but this picture gives a good idea of the final appearance.

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