Tuesday 9 April 2013

A Vancouver day in Paris

It rained. Then the sun came out. Then it poured. Then sun. Well....you know the drill. Just like Vancouver :) Now the sky is blue again out my windows. I can't complain though, because this was the first time I've taken out my umbrella. Kind of romantic, really, with the rain on the cobbles, and people dashing into cafes to escape the drizzle.
I took the bus to Arrondissement 16 today, supposed to be the poshest district of Paris. I'm not a big fan of the Metro - I like to enjoy the sights along the way, and have a sense of where I'm going - so I'd rather use the bus. I also have this theory that people on a bus are much friendlier than those on a subway, and it was supported by the interactions I saw on the bus today.
Anyhow, having hopped off at Place Victor Hugo, I ogled the stunning architecture and the posh shops, until I got lost. Or at least I thought I was lost, until I looked up and saw the Arc de Triomphe up ahead :) Lots and lots of tourists along the Champs Elysee, as you might imagine, and some pretty incredible stores. I checked out Swarovski (for Emily, of course) and the Mercedes dealership, which looked like a big arcade (no, I'm not buying one!) A sign in front of the Petit Palais lead me into their classy cafe. I'd love to go back on a nice day, when I can sit outside.

As tasty as they look

Flowers for sale everywhere.

Place Victor Hugo - something like 8 or 9 streets converge

The famous chocolate shop - I walked by :)

Look carefully - even McD's makes macarons!!!! 

Arch de Triomphe in view - not lost after all!

Champs Elysee in the rain

Crystal steps at Swarovski

Glitzy Mercedes dealership on Champs Elysee

Courtyard at Petit Palais

Perfect for a break - on a sunny day :)

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