Tuesday 9 December 2014

Paris lights

Although I love the sunshine, grey skies and wet pavement make Paris lights shine. By early evening the skies had cleared, in time for a walk down the Champs Elysee and through the huge Christmas market.
Along Avenue Montaigne - the street of high fashion houses

Plaza Athenee hotel

Posh address

Chestnuts anyone?

Palace gate?  No - entrance to Abercrombie and Fitch on Champs Elysee

Laduree macarons

Cafe Pouchkine

Cafe Pouchkine

Upside down tree hanging from Galeries Lafayette's stained glass ceiling

Printemps department store

Paris rooftops - from Printemps rooftop

Fifty shades of grey - from Printemps rooftop

Fouquet's restaurant.....

....where I drank this 12 euro coffee. Three biscuits though!

Lights along Champs Elysee

Xmas market

Xmas market decorations

Russian dolls at one stall

Colourful twinkle light covers at this stall

Even a skating rink at the market

If you like oysters!

Smoking fish

Santons - little figurines

Plaza Athenee hotel

More lights - and the tower

La belle dame en fer

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