Thursday 18 December 2014

Rainy day in Paris

It wasn't raining hard - just enough drizzle to wet the streets and make everything shine. I wandered and got lost again - such a fun thing to do :)

Pampered Parisian pooches

Glistening street

Art deco in Vaneau

Seafood, and especially oysers, are popular at Christmas

A very pricey chocolate shop - with no customers!

A line of 11 white police vans, each loaded with armed men -

....some had riot shields. Locals didn't seem too bothered though, so maybe it was just a practice run?

Tourists learning to segway -despite the rain

Bakeries are even MORE enticing in the rain

Oh yes

I retired to this cafe on Rue Cler.... gaze out the window....

....and have a treat :))

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