Friday, 19 December 2014


Paris has quite a few inner passageways, covered in glass and often with beautiful tiled floors. These are lined with shops and restaurants, and even a hotel in one. Some, I had never seen before. Nor had I gone into the garden of the Palais Royal, now home to the Comedie Francaise, but formerly home to French kings and their wives and mistresses. The inner courtyard is absolutely huge, and parts are under construction. There are apartments for rent/sale in some sections of the building, so you could stay there on holiday even. The production of An American in Paris was, as musicals go, not one of the best I've ever seen, but it was an enjoyable evening out. Interesting to note that the audience was nearly all French-speaking, and there were subtitles posted on screens above and to each side of the stage, even for song lyrics. This production is headed for New York in the new year, with the Paris staging just a pre-show.
Entrance to one of the covered galleries

They can be pretty, like this one, or very run down

Fancy shops...

...gorgeous displays.... this

Kinda bright - not sure I like the red trees, but there are many of them around.

Bourse - stock exchange building

Part of the Palais Royal is a hotel

Another part is a cafe with fur chair covers :)

Long galleries line each side of the huge central courtyard

Wedding photos in the courtyard

People relaxing and having lunch in chairs just like at the Tuileries

Yep, even a fountain

Oddly named shop along the gallery :)

Stella McCartney shop at Palais Royal

Gives you an idea of how big the courtyard is - I wasn't even at the far end

Metro station just outside the Palais Royal - a crown I think :)

Ice skating - a rink is set up each year in front of the City hall of Arr. 1

...complete with carrousel

Theatre Chatelet where I saw An American in Paris

I was in the orchestra section

Pretty, but in need of an upgrade I think

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