Friday 12 April 2013

Girls in Paris

Okay - maybe more like women. Not so much girls anymore. But still :) My dear friend Saroj arrived today, and we strolled Blvd. St. Germain to the Eiffel Tower before retiring to our bijoux apartment for a dinner of bread, cheese, wine and macarons.
So I left out the part where we had to duck into a cafe to escape a sudden downpour. And the part where we were heading to catch the bus when we were pelted with stingy balls of hail. But in between were the warm sunshiny moments and the enticing shop windows.

Saroj at Ralph Lauren

Vive la France

Boules players enjoying a sunny patch

Love those shop windows!

Saroj buying treats

Spring trend??

Tres chic - I can see Joe in this :)  NOT!!!!

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