Thursday 18 April 2013

How to find bliss in the metro

Gardens, art galleries, churches, was a full day, with a funny ending. We intended to see the inside of Notre Dame, but there was a huge line, so we settled for St. Severin with its pretty stained glass, then strolled the length of Ile St Louis. The olive oil shop caught the eye of Saroj, while I was amused by the scooters chained to the fence in front of a school. I think every kid in Paris owns one - and a few adults too! Inside the Pantheon we said 'hi' to Voltaire and saw the place where Foucault's pendulum aught to have been hanging (stashed away as they are repairing the high, vaulted dome). We ate lunch at a cafe opposite the Luxembourg Gardens and checked out a cute nearby shop before lining up for the Chagall exhibit - soooo crowded it was almost impossible to see the paintings. Photos were forbidden, but I snapped one anyhow. I wasn't the only one! Before heading to late evening opening at the Musee d'Orsay, we drank coffee and people-watched at Les Deux Magots. The museum was much better than my last visit, when the crowds were so overwhelming - but even more fun was the trip back home. Waiting - and waiting - and waiting at our bus stop for buses that never showed up, several people started chatting.Who says the French aren't friendly :) Most enlightening - and we think the sudden stoppage of buses might have been due to an anti-gay marriage demonstration. At least that was the consenus! Finally, the group decided to try the metro instead, so we all headed down the steps. I made it through the entrance arm, but somehow Saroj managed to get stuck on the wrong side, even after putting her ticket in. She was thrilled when the cute guy we'd been chatting with at the bus stop offered to shove her through at the same time as he went through. They cuddle up, and onto the platform they came. Saroj still hasn't stopped smiling :)

View from Deux Magots of St. Germain cathedral

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