Sunday 14 April 2013

Montmartre and the lights of Paris

Spectacular weather brought out huge crowds everywhere. We stopped first at the Marche aux Puces (flea market) at Clignancourt. It was HUGE! Then we walked up the hill of Montmartre where we each bought a water colour painting from and artist, then sat at a cafe for drink. We just had time to scoot back to St. Michel and catch a river boat to see the lights of Paris.

At the flea market..... many beautiful things.

Bed for a queen.

Sections of the flea market.


Saroj braving the steps

Montmartre vineyard

Almond croissants by the vineyard.

Monmartre museum

Crowds on the way to the basilica.

View from the basilica.

So many people.

An accordianist plays for the crowd.

Yes, another sweet shop :)

Drinks at the cafe....cheaper than coffee!

Montmartre sculpture

Abbesses station

Lights of Paris

Notre Dame

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