Monday 15 April 2013

My guest blogger, Saroj

Saroj is vehement that the story of our art acquisitions yesterday be told. To that end, she has offered to tell the tale.

Well, we were walking along in the Place du tertre - for those as illiterate as me in French, it is the area where artists sell their paintings. It is a very vibrant area and most of the art is geared for tourists with scenes of Paris etc. One woman artist had very whimsical scenes of women in Paris. Both of us were quite captivated and fell for the same painting of 3 women wearing hats and holding the Eiffel Tower statue. It was a bit pricey and after debating whether we really needed it - and in my case whether I had any wall space left, I bought a small picture of a single woman with the same statue, and we left her stall. In any case, we couldn't have bought it as she would not accept a credit card. Fifteen minutes later we had a plan and returned to her stall. Carolyn asked me to negotiate as I am 'Indian' and used to haggling - inappropriate as this socially unacceptable ethnic remark was - I did broach the woman and told her we had pooled our resources and we were 30 Euros short - which was not far from the truth. She accepted, and we came back with a small and the larger painting, which you can admire in the photos. So far the decision is that Carolyn gets the big one, and I get the small one - but as I said, that is 'so far' and it remains to be seen whether it resides in the East coast or the West coast!!

1 comment:

  1. Mum, did you really say that?! Jeez... :)

    I have no idea how you guys are gonna settle who gets which painting. That`s a tough one.
