Monday, 15 December 2014

A day in Montmartre

The sky was blue, the sun was warm, and it was Sunday - perfect recipe for crowds in Montmartre, and it didn't disappoint. I wanted to stick around for the lights at night, so I admit to stopping for food and drink (vin chaud) at least four times :)) 
Fog surrounds the Eiffel Tower - from my window

Sacre Coeur - at the peak of Montmartre

Famous Montmartre artwork

Narrow cobbled streets of Montmartre

The crowds are gathering

Charm of Montmartre

Lots of stone and cobbles

A pink lady in front of a pink wall :)

The menu - onion soup anyone?

Famous vineyard of Montmartre - they make wine from this that sells for a lot of money, despite its mediocrity

Colourful sign - cute name

Sun shining from behind the rear of Sacre Coeur

Technology reaches every corner.

Lots of security in evidence.

Sunny on the hill of Montmartre, but fog over the city

Sunday brunch in the sun

Moulin de la Galette - Montmartre

Montmartre waiter

Crowds on Place du Tertre

Inside Sacre Coeur - a service was in progress

Evening light over Paris

Xmas lights on Sacre Coeur

Place du Tertre - the square is surrounded by cafes, and in the middle, artists paint and sell their wares

Place du Tertre

Two street artists disputing territory - the guy with the red scarf was quite ticked off!

Yes, I had a drink here :)

Crowds, even at night

Checking the menu - I was sitting at a table, having yet another 'vin chaud'

One of the famous steps of Montmartre

From my table at yet another cafe :)

Mulled wine and Tarte Tatin - so good!

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