Saturday, 13 December 2014

Left Bank

Walking along the Left Bank, wandering at random - one of my favourite things to do :)

This church sits back from the surrounding buildings

The peaceful courtyard has old houses on either side - probably residences for the clergy, but appearing to be rentals now.

Dwarfed by surrounding buildings

Glimpses through a window in the fence - the Rodin Museum and one of his sculptures.

Even in the rain they are willing to line up for the real thing - bread made on site. Proof - the bakery is in full view in the next door window.

A common sight in Paris, where there are so many military institutions.

A flash of colour on a grey day.

I've seen two 'Canadian' bars in Paris - this one serves poutine :)

I think I'd rather eat this!

Street of the four winds - and it was indeed a windy day.

Parent waiting to pick up their kids at noon.

The square in front of Notre Dame. There's usually a big line of people here, waiting to get in - but no lineup today.

First time I've been inside....

....not as exciting as many I've seen

Crossing the bridge to Ile St-Louis

Looking up the Seine

Lots of cafes on Ile St-Louis....

...but quiet at this time of year.

Iconic Paris metro sign

A good place for a cup of 'vin chaud'

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